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THE WALL THAT IS A PARODY OF PEACE A resentful parody of peace a wall erected of suppression, denial and pain bricks in a shattered people as if fear can create a solution It is a tragedy, this despair contained in the hopelessness of reparation after the violence of war the fathomless gulf of fear and rage It is a whale in a pool a bird in a cage a lion in a zoo an illusion of security and safety through bars, mortar, rock In building this wall between us each brick is a tear a tear that shreds the heart by the very act of selfish separation It hurts to block sharing to avoid connection It is ungenerous to not give one's all into clear space, into transparent integrity With vision and dreams between us we can embrace our destiny as aware, whole beings re-membered into oneness of purpose Our conscious choice of evolution aligned in authenticity and vastness with entrainment of ourselves and all others expanding into our realization of unlimited self We need to be glad we still have bodies with their slow vibrations anchored by gravity to ease our responsibility of re-connecting With non-judgemental awareness practicing, practicing, practicing being with ourselves, being with the one mind, being with the one consciousness We are the miracle of that which we seek coming home to ourselves from the swirl of confusion and isolation from the fearful scattering amongst the stars We are learning, growing, evolving with brilliant lightness of spirit from the lost self- abandonment realizing our self imposed betrayals With the shining eyes of tomorrow in the oneness of forever through acceptance and celebratory gratitude we are this unity already in our moments of compassion and unconditional love. Jacqueline Anne Colquhoun December 25, 2013


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